

Benefits of Anti Static Flooring


Selecting a flooring for your business can be overwhelming with many to choose from, especially if you’re searching for options that are conducive to your industry. For health, electronic, and military locations, anti static flooring is often a smart and beneficial choice. Union floor has been working to create the best ESD flooring options around, and love to tell customers about the advantages when they invest in our tiles.

Controls static discharge

As the main purpose of this flooring is to help reduce possible electrostatic discharge (ESD), this flooring option is especially important within industries where static can cause interference or damage to employees and/or


Our anti static floors are created from a combination of recycled materials such as vinyl, rubber, and plastic, which makes for flooring options that are both aesthetically pleasing and will last for years to come.

Low maintenance

Both installation and care of these floors are extremely simple, especially when you invest in Union floor's modular anti static flooring tiles. They can often be placed over existing floors, interlock, 

and can be sealed easily with our floor finish products.

Easy to clean

Knowing how to clean ESD flooring is important, as dirt and other debris can impact the 

effectiveness of static control flooring. Luckily, when you work with a company like Union floor, we have all the supplies you need to quickly and correctly clean your floors for optimal results.

If you think anti static floor might be the right decision for your business, get in contact with our experts at Union floor to learn more about what our services can offer you. 

We have been designing beautiful, recyclable, ESD flooring for years and can further explain all of the greatest advantages they can give your workspace.